By Chris Andrews

June 4, 2024

Do You Have These 7 Items FEMA Recommends for Your Disaster Preparedness Plan?

If you are thinking about a disaster preparedness plan then you will more than understand how having an emergency kit can make all the difference. FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, provides a specific list of items that should be included in every home to ensure preparedness for natural or man-made disasters. These supplies cover basic necessities and can be lifesavers in events like tornadoes, hurricanes, or pandemics.

fema disaster preparedness kit recommendations

You’ll want to start with the essentials like water, food, and an emergency radio. Having a gallon of water per person per day for three days is crucial for drinking, cooking, and sanitation needs. Non-perishable food is also key, and there are many options available, from canned goods to MREs. An emergency radio can keep you informed when power and internet are down. Remember, preparation is about ensuring the safety and well-being of you and your family.

Key Takeaways

Keep a three-day supply of water and non-perishable food.

An emergency radio is essential for staying informed.

A well-stocked first aid kit and dust masks are crucial for safety.

FEMA’s Recommended Emergency Supplies from your Disaster Preparedness Plan

1. Water: FEMA suggests having one gallon of water per person per day for a minimum of three days. So, for a family of five, you should store at least 15 gallons of water. This water is for drinking, cooking, and sanitation needs like brushing your teeth or washing dishes.

2. Food: Three days’ worth of non-perishable food is essential. For a family of five, this means 45 meals. Options include canned goods, oatmeal, pasta, or MREs (Meals Ready-to-Eat). Another option is freeze-dried food buckets which can have a long shelf life, sometimes up to 25 years.

3. Emergency Radio: An emergency radio with a hand crank and solar charger is crucial. It keeps you informed of the latest news and emergency updates, especially during extended power outages. Look for features like USB ports and built-in flashlights.

4. First Aid Kit: A basic first aid kit is a must. This kit should have bandages, antiseptics, and other necessary items to treat cuts, burns, and other minor injuries, which is vital if you can’t access medical help quickly.

5. Whistle: Have a whistle to signal for help. In disasters like earthquakes or tornadoes, where buildings may collapse, a whistle can get the attention of emergency responders.

6. Dust Masks: FEMA advises having dust masks to filter air in case of poor air quality due to smoke or other pollutants. N95 respirators are the most effective, filtering out 95% of particles and providing a better seal around your face.

7. Plastic Sheeting and Duct Tape: These items can be used to seal your home to create a barrier against contaminants. Duct tape is versatile and can be helpful in various emergency repairs.

Keep these essentials in an easily accessible location and check your supplies regularly to ensure they are ready when you need them.

Water Supply

Storage and Usage

You should have one gallon of water per person per day for three days. This water isn’t only for drinking; it’s also for sanitation and cooking. Think about using it for brushing your teeth, washing dishes, or making pasta. You can buy gallons of water from a grocery store and store them in a closet.

Emergency Scenarios

There are many situations where you might lose access to clean drinking water. For instance, a major earthquake could break water pipes, a severe hurricane or flood could contaminate drinking water, or a power outage could stop a well pump from working. Having a reserve supply of clean water can be crucial in these scenarios.

pre-packed emergency food

Food Supply

Long-Lasting Foods

It’s essential to have enough non-perishable food for your family. FEMA suggests stocking up on items like oatmeal, pasta, and canned goods. These foods can last for a long time and are easy to store. Make sure you have enough to provide three meals per person per day for at least three days. For a family of five, that’s 45 meals.

Ready-to-Eat Meals (MREs)

Meals-Ready-to-Eat, or MREs, are prepackaged foods designed for emergencies. The military frequently uses these because they are very high in calories. One MRE can contain between 1,000 and 2,000 calories, making it possible to split one into two meals if needed. These meals require no cooking and can be a real lifesaver.

Freeze-Dried Meal Choices

Another option is freeze-dried food. These meals come in large buckets and have a shelf life of up to 25 years. For example, one bucket might have 60 servings, enough to feed a family of five for three days. You just buy it, store it away, and it’s ready whenever you need it.

Features of Emergency Radios

Hand Crank and Sun Charging

An essential part of an emergency radio is its ability to be charged without electricity. You can power these radios by using a hand crank. They also come with solar panels, allowing you to charge them with sunlight during the day.

USB Port and Built-in Light

Many emergency radios feature USB ports for charging your devices. They also often include a flashlight, which can be very helpful when the power goes out.

Importance of Emergency Radio

During disasters, power outages can leave you cut off from vital information. An emergency radio can keep you updated on weather alerts, evacuation orders, and other important news.

Features to Look for:

  • Crank or Solar Charger: Ensures the radio can be powered without electricity.
  • USB Ports: Allows charging of other devices, like your phone.
  • Built-in Flashlight: Useful for finding your way in the dark.

In events like hurricanes and floods, having an emergency radio can make a significant difference. Residents often miss out on crucial updates about available resources because they cannot access the internet or TV without power.

Another great feature to consider is the alert function. This provides automatic updates during extreme weather conditions.

Invest in an emergency radio to stay informed and safe during disasters.

Essential First Aid Kit Items

Having a first aid kit in your home is crucial for emergencies. A decent kit doesn’t need to be extravagant but should include essential items. Here’s a list of what you need:

  • Bandages and Gauze: Different sizes for various wounds.
  • Antiseptic Wipes: For cleaning cuts.
  • Adhesive Tape: To secure bandages.
  • Scissors: For cutting tape and gauze.
  • Tweezers: To remove splinters or debris.
  • Gloves: Disposable ones to maintain hygiene.
  • Pain Relievers: Such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

You can buy pre-made kits or assemble your own. Keeping these items handy can prevent a minor injury from becoming a major problem when professional medical help isn’t available.

Signaling for Help

Using a Whistle

A whistle can be a crucial tool during emergencies. Imagine you’re trapped in a building after an earthquake or a tornado. Using a whistle to make noise can help rescuers find you more quickly. It’s a simple yet effective method to attract attention.

Whistles can also be invaluable in flood situations. For instance, during Hurricane Katrina, many people were stuck in their attics due to rising water. Having a whistle in such scenarios could have made it easier for emergency responders to locate and rescue them. Whether you’re in urban areas or wilderness, the whistle could be vital for your safety.

Dust Masks and Respirators

Types of Masks

There are different types of masks to consider for emergencies. Basic dust masks are easy to find and cheap. They offer some filtration but not much. You can get them at places like Home Depot or the dollar store. They are helpful for situations like escaping from a fire or stopping the spread of illness within a household.

Medical surgical masks are another option. These masks provide a bit more protection but are mainly designed to stop the wearer from spreading germs. They have a problem called “leakage,” where air can come in from the sides and bypass the mask. So while better than dust masks, they are not perfect.

N95 Respirators

The best option for filtration is an N95 respirator. These masks can filter out 95% of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger. This makes them effective against smoke and viruses. The design of N95 respirators creates a tighter seal around your face, reducing the chance of air leaking in from the sides.

N95 respirators are more costly but offer significantly better protection. They are a strong choice for keeping harmful particles out of your lungs in emergency situations.

Plastic Sheeting And Duct Tape

Multiple Uses

Plastic sheeting and duct tape have a variety of uses during emergencies. Plastic sheeting can help you create a temporary barrier to keep out contaminants, like dust or smoke. It’s also useful for creating emergency shelters if you need to stay safe from bad weather.

Duct tape is incredibly versatile. You can use it to repair damaged items, seal containers, or even hold parts of a shelter together. It’s strong and durable, making it an invaluable tool in many emergency situations.

Examples of uses for these items:

  • Sealing off windows and doors
  • Creating a waterproof barrier
  • Repairing torn items

Having these items in your emergency kit ensures you are prepared for a variety of challenges that might come your way.

features of emergency radios

Features of Emergency Radios

Hand Crank and Sun Charging

An essential part of an emergency radio is its ability to be charged without electricity. You can power these radios by using a hand crank. They also come with solar panels, allowing you to charge them with sunlight during the day.

USB Port and Built-in Light

Many emergency radios feature USB ports for charging your devices. They also often include a flashlight, which can be very helpful when the power goes out.

Importance of Emergency Radio

During disasters, power outages can leave you cut off from vital information. An emergency radio can keep you updated on weather alerts, evacuation orders, and other important news.

Features to Look for:

  • Crank or Solar Charger: Ensures the radio can be powered without electricity.
  • USB Ports: Allows charging of other devices, like your phone.
  • Built-in Flashlight: Useful for finding your way in the dark.

In events like hurricanes and floods, having an emergency radio can make a significant difference. Residents often miss out on crucial updates about available resources because they cannot access the internet or TV without power.

Another great feature to consider is the alert function. This provides automatic updates during extreme weather conditions.

Invest in an emergency radio to stay informed and safe during disasters.

Essential First Aid Kit Items

Having a first aid kit in your home is crucial for emergencies. A decent kit doesn’t need to be extravagant but should include essential items. Here’s a list of what you need:

  • Bandages and Gauze: Different sizes for various wounds.
  • Antiseptic Wipes: For cleaning cuts.
  • Adhesive Tape: To secure bandages.
  • Scissors: For cutting tape and gauze.
  • Tweezers: To remove splinters or debris.
  • Gloves: Disposable ones to maintain hygiene.
  • Pain Relievers: Such as aspirin or ibuprofen.

You can buy pre-made kits or assemble your own. Keeping these items handy can prevent a minor injury from becoming a major problem when professional medical help isn’t available.

Signaling for Help

Using a Whistle

A whistle can be a crucial tool during emergencies. Imagine you’re trapped in a building after an earthquake or a tornado. Using a whistle to make noise can help rescuers find you more quickly. It’s a simple yet effective method to attract attention.

Whistles can also be invaluable in flood situations. For instance, during Hurricane Katrina, many people were stuck in their attics due to rising water. Having a whistle in such scenarios could have made it easier for emergency responders to locate and rescue them. Whether you’re in urban areas or wilderness, the whistle could be vital for your safety.

Dust Masks and Respirators

Types of Masks

There are different types of masks to consider for emergencies. Basic dust masks are easy to find and cheap. They offer some filtration but not much. You can get them at places like Home Depot or the dollar store. They are helpful for situations like escaping from a fire or stopping the spread of illness within a household.

Medical surgical masks are another option. These masks provide a bit more protection but are mainly designed to stop the wearer from spreading germs. They have a problem called “leakage,” where air can come in from the sides and bypass the mask. So while better than dust masks, they are not perfect.

N95 Respirators

The best option for filtration is an N95 respirator. These masks can filter out 95% of particles that are 0.3 microns or larger. This makes them effective against smoke and viruses. The design of N95 respirators creates a tighter seal around your face, reducing the chance of air leaking in from the sides.

N95 respirators are more costly but offer significantly better protection. They are a strong choice for keeping harmful particles out of your lungs in emergency situations.

Plastic Sheeting And Duct Tape

Multiple Uses

Plastic sheeting and duct tape have a variety of uses during emergencies. Plastic sheeting can help you create a temporary barrier to keep out contaminants, like dust or smoke. It’s also useful for creating emergency shelters if you need to stay safe from bad weather.

Duct tape is incredibly versatile. You can use it to repair damaged items, seal containers, or even hold parts of a shelter together. It’s strong and durable, making it an invaluable tool in many emergency situations.

Examples of uses for these items:

  • Sealing off windows and doors
  • Creating a waterproof barrier
  • Repairing torn items

Having these items in your emergency kit ensures you are prepared for a variety of challenges that might come your way.

disaster preparedness multitool

Additional Personal Recommendations

Fire Extinguisher: Make sure to include at least one fire extinguisher in your emergency kit. Fires can start quickly during disasters, and having a fire extinguisher on hand can help you manage small fires before they become uncontrollable.

Multi-Tool: A reliable multi-tool can be extremely useful. Look for one that includes pliers, knives, screwdrivers, and other tools that can help you in various emergency situations.

Portable Chargers: Invest in portable battery chargers for your electronic devices. In the event of a power outage, these can help keep your phones and other essential electronics charged.

Personal Hygiene Products: Include personal hygiene items like toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and feminine hygiene products. Keeping clean is important, especially when access to regular facilities is limited.

Extra Clothing: Pack an extra set of clothes for each family member, including sturdy shoes and weather-appropriate outerwear. Keeping warm and dry is crucial in many emergency scenarios.

Cash: Keep some cash in small denominations. ATMs and credit card machines may be down during emergencies, so having cash on hand can be useful for purchasing necessities.

Local Maps: Include local area maps in case GPS services are unavailable. Knowing alternative routes and landmarks can be helpful if you need to evacuate or find resources.

Medical Prescriptions: If you or any family members rely on prescription medications, keep an extra supply in your emergency kit. Don’t forget to include some basic over-the-counter medications as well.

Important Documents: Store copies of important documents such as identification, insurance policies, and medical records in a waterproof container or ziplock bags. Having these on hand can be crucial during and after an emergency.

Comfort Items: Consider including some comfort items, especially if you have young children. Favorite toys, books, or a blanket can provide much-needed comfort in stressful times.

By including these additional items, you can enhance your emergency preparedness and ensure that you and your family are ready for a variety of situations.

FEMA App You can download the official disaster preparedness app from FEMA here.

Chris Andrews

About the author

Hi, I'm Chris and these days I love nothing more than spending quality time with my son outdoors. As an army cadet in the 80s I was given a real insight into how to look after myself and those around me in unfamiliar environments. No huts, no tents, just survival rations for food and ponchos for makeshift shelter. This started a drive within me to be able to take care of myself and, nowadays, my family in any eventuality.

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